PRESS RELEASE Antwerp/New York- March 17th, 2021
Today, Iristick presented exceptional sales results in 2020, with more than 400% (4x) year-over-year growth. This growth is the result of an increase in projects within the already existing customer base and multiple new customers that are looking for remote collaboration tools.
Industry leaders in Telemedicine, Manufacturing, Field services and BioPharma rely on Iristick and our compatible software partners to empower their “hands-free” staff. Multiple examples of “digital first” service inspections, Remote Factory Acceptance Tests and (remotely assisted) medical procedures are an illustration of the growing importance of smart glasses for the core business of our customers.
Covid-19 accelerated the acceptance of smart glasses in mainstream operations of our customers: it provided companies with a technological solution to keep production assets and operations running with a minimum of manpower on-site and support from remote experts
And the increase in installed base at “pre-Covid-19” customers, proves that Iristick smart glasses will continue to be part of the solutions for Remote Assistance, Digital Workflow or Pick-by-Vision applications.
Iristick smart glasses are very comfortable to wear, equipped with two cameras and unique optical zoom-lens. The phone-tethered architecture ensures full compatibility with IT-”managed device” security standards. And the glasses are the only ones compatible with both iOS and Android and have more than 6-hour battery capacity.

“2020 was globally a challenging year for a lot of companies. We are happy that Iristick proved to be a solution that was instrumental in Remote Collaboration and Digital Transition. Receiving several follow-up orders from existing customers and welcoming hundreds of new customers motivates us to continue to provide the most comfortable to wear smart glasses in the world.” says Johan De Geyter, CEO Iristick.
There can be little doubt that when the world emerges on the other side of this crisis, the “new normal” we’re faced with will be very different compared to the pre-Covid-19 situation. Smart glasses technology will play a leading role in how that “new normal” will look like. Iristick is confident that the current evolution amongst our customers to integrate smart glasses as a crucial part of their service approach, will drive further growth.
To learn more about Iristick products and services contact: