With the Covid-19 pandemic still being top of mind, the progressing social distancing measures are still a harsh reality. Our client Unica Building Services decided to deal creatively with the imposed travel restrictions and incorporated Iristick.G1 PRO smart glasses in their technicians’ work routine.
Unica Building Services offers high-quality professional management and maintenance of technical installations in The Netherlands. Next to coordinating the entire management and maintenance of buildings, they also carry out technical checks and inspections, ensuring a sustainable, comfortable and safe environment with excellent communication facilities.

To maintain their certification, Unica needed to be audited for safety compliance. Due to the still ongoing pandemic, auditors executing specific BRL6000 and VCA audits were hindered from traveling to the Unica Zwolle location. As a digital, innovative and sustainable solution, Unica Zwolle decided to try out the Iristick smart glasses in their facility. Assisted by our smart glasses technology, an external auditor -who was not physically present at the Zwolle location- was able to follow the whole procedure from a distance through the eyes of a mechanic of Unica.

More specifically, an expert mechanic wearing the Iristick smart glasses was able to connect to a remote auditor. This latter, who was not present on site, could follow the whole procedure live and give advice accordingly, simply through a working internet connection. Our remote assistance software partner Passerelle/Supportsquare made sure the sound and vision were of the highest quality, allowing the remote auditor to make annotations and ask questions to the Unica staff. By remote collaboration between both parties, all audits were executed completely remote and errorless.
Once again, remote assistance via smart glasses has proven to provide excellent service and to keep operations running, regardless of any crisis!