1. Sharing knowledge and facilitating communication on innovative solutions
Agriculture is ever becoming more technical and dependent on advanced agronomic expertise. Therefore, farmers’ success increasingly depends on access to technical knowledge. On the other hand, many critical tasks at the farm (e.g. harvesting) depend on seasonal workers. High-skilled seasonal workers are increasingly hard to find, making it even more challenging for the farm manager to build and retain a workforce with the experience and knowledge required to do the job. Smart glasses offer possibilities for knowledge sharing and accelerated on-the-job training at three distinct levels. Firstly, “see-what-I-see” video conferencing feature of smart glasses provide new superior possibilities to connect experts with those in demand for expertise or to display new products, technologies, or practices in the field to a larger audience than before. Secondly, the “digital workflow guidance” feature provides frontline workers with procedural guidance in the corner of their eye while they are carrying out their jobs. This has proven to reduce errors and shorten learning cycles of new employees. Finally, smart glasses can augment the work of an operator by providing computer vision AI (Artificial Intelligence) based real-time decision support, e.g. which fruits are ripe enough to harvest, which pest is present on the crop and which mitigating measures should be taken.2. Faster and more accurate troubleshooting
Experts can give advice anytime, anywhere with the help of smart glasses. Agronomic, horticultural, and veterinary consultants save significant travel time, allowing them to help more customers and enable the grower to respond faster to production issues. They can support the growers by diagnosing plant or animal health issues and recommending treatments more efficiently. The result will be improved crop or animal health, improved profitability, and a superior customer relationship.3. Facilitating innovation in the agro-biotech sector by enabling more efficient data collection
Innovation is more than ever dependent on efficient and qualitative data collection. Whether it is dealing with the development of new varieties or the discovery of new crop protection or bio-stimulant actives, researchers are consistently dealing with a tough numbers game. Intensive data collection on large quantities of breeding lines, microorganisms, or molecules is central in the respective R&D programs to drive decisions on selecting the next superior product.4. Quality assurance and traceability
Fast and accurate traceability of products from farm-to-fork plays a vital role in the food supply chain. Barcode scanning and hands-free data collection features of smart glasses help with effective traceability of a product from farm production till the retailer shelves. Quality controllers across the supply chain can work more efficiently as they can document their inspection results in a hands-free manner, while using their hands to handle the produce. Making it easier to document quality specs at all the different touch points across the supply chain, will automatically lead to an increased transparency about the quality of our food.Conclusion
Access to knowledge and experience is a key driver of success in the production of food. About 40% of earth’s land surface is used for agriculture, employing about 27% of the world’s active population. Hence, agriculture is in strong demand for tools that help transferring knowledge at scale. Smart glasses represent a cost-effective way to address this demand and to augment this large workforce, facilitating knowledge exchange and data capturing and thereby driving efficiency and quality. The use cases and benefits are not limited to the ones described above. With the advancement of Smart glass technology and the software ecosystem around it, the features and the benefits will touch upon other areas within agriculture and our food supply chain. We see this as just the beginning and you can get on board at this early stage to stay ahead of the curve.